Warren Browne 63e1c7bab1541

Warren Browne

President, RFQ Insights

Warren P. Browne is President of RFQ Insights. He is also an adjunct professor of economics, global business, and international trade at Lawrence Technological University. He is an automotive forecasting expert, is quoted in the press,and occasionally writes automotive articles.

Browne retired from General Motors in 2009 after 39 years of service. From 1991 to 2009, he held senior executive positions at GM. 

In Brazil, he was responsible for developing and submitting over 10 investment programs for strategy board approval. GM do Brasil completely updated their vehicle portfolio when he was director of product and strategic planning. GM significantly increased their volume and profitability based on the portfolio changes. He also provided the GM government relations team in Brazil the overall policy changes required to increase automotive demand in the country. These changes were discussed with the Brazilian government, and many were implemented.

After executive assignments in Brazil, Poland and Germany, Browne was Managing Director of GM Russia,and led the company during a profitable, tenfold sales expansion. Mr. Browne was also the lead director on the Board of the GM-Avtovaz joint-venture. He successfully developed a multi-faceted production strategy that included building a new plant in St. Petersburg.

Before leaving Europe and General Motors, Mr. Browne negotiated the return of Cadillac, Corvette and Hummer distribution rights from a European distributor.

After retiring, Browne established his own consulting firm, focusing on new vehicle program forecasting, market analysis and research. His company provides market insights for automotive suppliers looking to bid on major automotive programs. Quantifying their risk is an important part of the analysis.