

Dreamstime M 157939439 1300

Supplier Pricing Negotiations: Approaching Options and Risk with Eyes Wide Open Globally

June 15, 2023
Asian supplier economics have changed radically with geopolitical tensions rising and market conditions shifting.
© Aleksandar Milosevic |
World Map Currency
Planning & Forecasting

Is Your ‘Best Value’ Country Sourcing Missing the Mark?

Feb. 8, 2023
Nine factors to consider in a total-cost-of-ownership analysis.
Lawn Mower
Supply Chain Initiative

The Most Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned about Price Reduction

Nov. 18, 2022
Finding cost savings, not negotiating harder with suppliers, is the holy grail.
© Pixelrobot |
Supply Chain Initiative

A Checklist for Supplier Sourcing Success

Sept. 15, 2022
These 25 purchasing-group criteria leave piece-price in the dust.
© Calvin L. Leake |
Naval Ship

The US National Defense Supply Chain Is in Crisis

Aug. 3, 2022
The military and its partners have become too dependent on foreign-made parts, materials and minerals.


The IndustryWeek US 500

Download the IW U.S. 500

May 8, 2024
Download the list of the 500 largest US public manufacturers in an easy to read .pdf format
© Aleksandr Korchagin |
Noir Character
© Stephan Pietzko |
Different Directions
© Mrdoomits |
Root Cause
Supply Chain Initiative

Risk Management Rarely Gets to the Root Cause

March 2, 2022
Questioning corporate practice is not this department’s forte.
Joseph Pearson/Unsplash
Hot Dog Vendor
Supplier Relationships

Vendors vs. Suppliers: Are You Buying Hot Dogs, or Building Relationships?

Feb. 25, 2022
How to leverage the "hidden factory" as part of your winning team.
© Gicamatescu |
Small Change 24221603
Supply Chain Initiative

Suppliers Are Like Workers: They Both Come Up Short

Jan. 4, 2022
Note to OEMs: ‘Continuous improvement’ doesn’t mean continuously sticking it to the little guy.
© Andrey Popov |
Lavish Gift 124525913
Supply Chain Initiative

Bribes, and the Buyers Who Love Them

Dec. 1, 2021
Why I don't stand for the lavish 'gifts' that OEMs and suppliers bestow on each other in the name of doing business.